An affordable home mortgage for working families

Get in on a revolutionary new way to support working families with a home of their own

 1) Affordable Housing
 2) Save The Environment​
 3) Multiply Your Impact

Too Many Have Been Left Behind. The Numbers Tell The Story.

Black homeownership has plummeted to levels not seen since 1968, when segregation was legal. That’s a shame, isn’t it?

Black Homeownership Rates Have Barely Risen Since 1970

Below 20%

The Homeownership rate for Black households under the age 35 is below 15% less than half the rate for their white counterparts.

Below 50%

Homeownership for Black households age 35- 54 is 40.8% as compared to over 72% for white households of similar ages.

Build a more equitable and inclusive community


Support working families with a home of their own


Help children have better health outcomes


Help establish minority contractors and home builders to build a better future for all


We Get It!

Our job at Genesis Entrepreneur Bootstrap Funding is to find hidden gems in the non-profit housing arena who are doing a good job and getting great results. We have found this in Family Resources of New Orleans. Just read what past participants in other programs are saying.

Lynell B.

At the age of 65 and recently retired, I felt I was too old to purchase my first home. All of my kids were grown and gone. I heard about the homeownership program in my neighborhood and decided to pay a visit to Family Resources of New Orleans.

Quianna B.

As a single mom with two school age girls, I worked hard to give my daughters the best life. I knew that public housing was only a temporary means to help me save and plan to one day own my own home.

Jamona A.

I was born with a visual impairment, yet I never felt isolated. I was raised by a strong grandmother and family who nurtured and advocated for my independence. 


At Genesis Entrepreneur Bootstrap Funding we take 100% of the responsibility that the money we raise is allocated the way we promise. First, by having an advisory role in all spending matters. Second, by partnering the donor with the recipient they are helping. Third, by establishing an advisory board of donors to keep us in tune with their concerns.

The Quick Start Plan

1) Choose Your Partner


Single Parent / Working Poor

Senior 62 and Older

Person With Disability

2) Choose Your Giving Level







3) Donor Acknowledgement: Choose a...

Public Donation


Anonymous Donation

Affordable housing is getting harder and harder to find.
Genesis Entrepreneur Bootstrap Funding helps low income renters build and finance a home of their own.

 1) Affordable Housing
 2) Save The Environment​
 3) Multiply Your Impact

Become A Starter Dream Builder Donor

Gold: $19 monthly

Silver: $11 monthly

Bronze: $7 monthly

Foundational Dream Builder Donor: $500 or more

Current Project: Eastern Rise

Affordable housing is getting harder and harder to find.
Genesis Entrepreneur Bootstrap Funding helps low income renters build and finance a home of their own.

 1) Affordable Housing
 2) Save The Environment​
 3) Multiply Your Impact


Our Mission

At Genesis Entrepreneur Bootstrap Funding we know that you want to be a Dream builder Donor. In order to do that, you need a good Affordable Housing Program to support. The problem is finding a transparent, productive program that gets great results is tough, which makes you feel apprehensive and mistrustful. We believe you deserve to know how your giving dollars are being used.